Thursday after work I went on a shopping excursion. I was mostly on the lookout for salad and V-8 and something for supper. I ended up running into BUENO FROZEN RED CHILE in the new ethnic freezer section. Wow. I never expected to see that! So I had to go around and get potatoes and onions and beef and pork so I could make some stew. It's not really the weather for it, but I DON'T CARE! I also got a small bag of Nordic Sweets Salty Licorice Fish, because they made me think of Ryan Roxie and because I LOVE salted licorice. It's a very acquired taste..or maybe not acquired exactly, since I loved it the first minute I had some when Jilly came back from her trip to Amsterdam. But it is a very specialized taste, I suppose. That's fine, I will happily buy up all the frozen hot red chile and salty licorice fish they care to stock. It's gonna be one funky summer!
Friday I was surprised at work with a bag of FROZEN GREEN CHILE from a regular customer and friend who just got back from a trip to New Mexico. Wow wow wow! I put a little into the tortilla soup I was making, but I brought most of it home. It went into breakfast eggs with cheese and potatoes and tortillas and beans this morning, and I don't know if I could possibly be happier with breakfast. Well, yes, I could actually BE in New Mexico, eating a burrito at Frontier, but barring After work on Friday Rebby and I tried desperately to eat Thai food but all the Thai places close at 2pm and it was 2:30. We ended up at The Church Brew Works, where we had another in a series of passable meals that ended in the usual "why do we bother to come here?" The beer is good, but the ambiance in the afternoon is pretty lame and the food is never really good. Just okay. There have to be better places that stay open in the afternoon, right?
We had a nap and then headed out to the bellydance show. I can't really express in words what this was like for me...just a very intense feeling of having found the key. All of the dancers were amazing in their own way....young and old, women and even one dude! all shapes and sizes and styles and levels. There seemed to be such a strong supportive community even across "company" and teacher lines, not to mention the fact that some of the performers were from Erie and Morgantown. My interest in bellydance started out being about health and fitness, but last night I realized that it's really about a lot more than that to me. I also felt very affirmed in my choice of teacher, too...I didn't really get to talk to her at all, but watching her interact with people gave me assurance that she is the person I want to learn from. The other teachers who were there didn't seem anywhere as personable and warm and engaged as she was. And she wasn't even dancing! It was a great evening all around, and I left feeling more excited than ever.
This morning after the nostalgia breakfast I did some dishes and started copying down all my contact information out of my cellphone in preparation for my NEW PHONE to arrive next week. Woohoo! Camera phone even! I really hope not to turn into one of these people who are constantly snapping cameraphone pictures...and I sort of regret already the fact that I told some of those people I know that I am getting a camera phone. Because now I will no doubt be a recipient of "x drunk at the bar" style pictures. I have already become a recipient of "x drunk at the bar" text messages, and it drives me up the flipping wall. In fact, I am right this minute not joining a group of those people guessed it...get drunk at the bar. I'm just not really much of a getting drunk at the bar girl anymore. Instead I am listening to the new CDs I got today in exchange for a big bag of things I forced myself to clear out. It was a decent cull, and I got $37 for my troubles. Which I promptly spent on a big pile of stuff from the $1 shelves: File Under Easy Listening by Sugar, a Cramps greatest hits, an album by Khaled, some maxi singles by nine inch nails and marilyn manson (I admit it...I like The Beautiful People. sorry), a couple of compilation things of interesting stuff, and....Come Clean by Curve. This is an album that I used to ADORE. I lost it in the great heroin heist and didn't really think of it again until I saw it there in the $2.50 bin. It's incredible. Many comparisons to Garbage have been made and while I don't think they are WRONG, exactly, I think Curve is much more experimental. Garbage is definitely more a rock band with some interesting stuff going on...Curve is very interesting stuff with some rock going on, and a similarly sultry lead singer. I also got Rebby a prince album and a couple of cassettes and a video of Iron Maiden performing on some bizarre pay per view television show with a freaktastic "horror illusionist." You just gotta see this thing. It was apparently Bruce Dickinson's last performance with the band before he took his sabbatical, and I can see why. It's all around kind of appalling, but it is always nice to hear "Hallowed Be Thy Name" and "Run to the Hills."
We went from the Record Exchange to the Best Price, where I turned a big file box of books into....$10.00. Kind of a rip off, I'm sure, but it was nice to get rid of them and I got a couple of things I REALLY wanted. Plus, a video copy of Encino Man for $1.00. Can't beat that. We then went to the mall that time forgot to visit Borders. Rebby got a book by one of the performers on the tranny roadshow, and I got a bellydance instruction DVD. This one is especially cool because it also has yoga warmups that are specific to the bellydance routines, so it's like a dual purpose video. AND, the instructor is WICKED HOT. Whooboy. the mall that time forgot is now featuring a Caribbean restaurant in its "food court" (the rest of the "food court" is one pizza place and about 6 tables) and also a store called STYLES which seemed to sell confirmation dresses for babies and pimp outfits for pimps. One side of the store was all these little pastel taffeta and lace things, and the other side of the store was all these pastel linen suites with hats and shoes to match. Bizarre.
There's a piano sale going on, too....In case you were looking to buy a piano. At the mall.
We did manage to find a little place that sold ice cream. So we got some ice creams and then headed home to eat the chile and watch Iron Maiden. The chile is excellent; the Iron Maiden, not so much. Rebby headed out to do cultured arty things and I opted to stay home and wash some dishes and listen to CDs and tap on the computer. Happy times.