Man I just get sucked into the internets like a black hole. Not really even doing anything, just aimlessly wandering from page to page. It's a sickness.
What I need to do is get off my ass and take care of the enormous cauliflowers that are staring me down from the kitchen counter. They're huge! Before I do that, though, I need to finish the dishes from the soup party, which means I need to unload the dishwasher and drainer rack, and reload and wash and etc etc etc. Same thing, different day.
Anyhoo, so yeah, we had a soup party. I made pork and green chile stew, which I barely got a taste of. That one went lickity split. I'm always so conscious of the vegans and then when it comes right down to it most people are rampant carnivores. Oh well, there were some vegetarians too, and even a couple vegans late in the evening. So the Potato Leek and Roasted Butternut Squash were not total losses. People loved them. I loved the Beer Cheese Soup, which was almost exactly like the stuff that the Sharp Edge charges me $8 a bowl for. Now I can make it at home for much less and and also ORGANIC. Take that, overpriced beer pub. Seriously, I am in the restaurant biz so I know how things are but I feel like the Sharp Edge has really gone overboard with the price increases. The Hop Devil Soup was the last thing tying me to the place. And now I am free!
Ok, back to the partay. We cleaned the hell out of the (first floor of) the house. In addition to the soups I made some vegan bread sticks, which was fun but unnecessary. People brought hella bread which I am trying to eat up before it all goes moldy. Also: desserts. Coconut Marshmellow bars, Apple Shortbread with Caramel and Whipped Cream, Blueberry Apple Cobbler, Apple Cranberry Pie, Peach and Blackberry Cheesecake......Gawd. I busted out the Apple Cinnamon Ice Cream late in the night and it was a big hit too. Everything was so good! There was much beer, wine and cider consumed. Tons of friends came and my whole family came and no body but my nephew spent any time at all in the superclean house! The party was all outside. Cool. At night rebby lit a fire and we talked about movies and had a nice mellow time. I broke out the limoncello after ben noticed the recipe on the fridge. It was convivial. Late late Becky C showed up with a broccoli salad which was at that moment the most amazing thing a person could do after all the sugar. I ate a giant bowl ful. Yum.
Several folks tagged themselves for the next soup party...I hope it can become a regular thing. Sharing good food is the most important thing people can do to take care of each other, I think. Especially in the coming hard times.
So since the soup party I've been working long hours at the restaurant, and it feels good. I actually enjoy my time there more with less personalities around in my space, you know? Even if it means I have to wash a lot of dishes and make hummus on the fly. I like the quiet and the feeling that everyone there is concentrated on a task. I also got to spend some time with one of my favorite mommas and her two gorgeous kids. She is such a great mom and very respectful of her children's individuality without taking it to the extreme of letting the kids put themselves into dangerous situations, like the woman I had to yell at on Monday night. She was letting her kid open and close the door to the basement of the restaurant. Seriously? I mean, I know the QS is a comfortable homey environment, and I know she and her kid and her man spend a lot of time there, but how did she get the idea that it was okay for her to let her baby hang out at the top of the stairs to the baesment? Do I really have to put an employees only sign on the basement door? That's not freedom, that's poor judgement. End of story.
Otherwise, I am listening to the newest Nine Inch Nails album called "The Slip." I like it a lot so far. It's a nice cross between With Teeth style rockers and super ambient stuff like The Fraggle. Also, I got my personally signed by the Metal God copy of the Rock In Rio Halford DVD. I haven't watched it all the way through yet, but I have held it and petted it a bunch. I'm a huge dork.
And finally...debates. Huh. I am so looking forward to having a president who is smarter than me again. That will be nice. I think Bob Scheffer did a great job with the hardass questions and I think Barack did a great job being clear and not stooping to McCain's level. I think McCain did a great job showing that he is a rather desperate and slightly confused old man who is honestly intimidated by his opponent and knows in his heart of hearts that his opponent is better equipped for the job of running the country. As do most clear thinking Americans by this point, it seems. Yay us. Now we just gotta show it on Nov 4th.