Thursday, October 02, 2008

A super happy good morning to you!
I am in the absolute best of moods this morning, because of the simple fact that I wore socks to bed. That means that it is no longer hot summer and is instead chilly fall, and we all know that fall is best, don't we? Sweaters! Pumpkins! Swirling leaves! Oh---the swirling leaves are actually a little bit of a downer at my house. The enormous maple that threatens our very existence has spent all summer producing thousands of leaf bombs that it will now drop in unwieldy piles all over the street. And even though the maple is not ACTUALLY on our property, as we are closest we are defacto in charge of the leaf mess. The Jamaicans are only too happy to help, of course. The Jamaicans are absolutely awesome.
So today is my day off, and as usual I have a ton of things to do. I've got brussels sprouts, collards, butternut squash, broccoli, onions, and peppers to blanch and freeze. I've got laundry. I've got dishes. I've got to switch the closet over to fall. I've got grape leaves to roll and samosas to fry for catering. I've got to shop for cheese. I've got to pick up my pal Donovan from daycare and take him to Whole Foods. Before that, I've got to shower. AND, at the end of it all, I've got to watch the VP debates. I still can't get over the fact that this is ACTUALLY HAPPENING. What do you think my VP debate drinking game word should be? Maverick? Pakistan? I've got at least a 6 pack in the fridge....
OK, better go get some things happening. Enjoy the FALL WEATHER!


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