Thursday, June 29, 2006

Oh! My Traitor Body

This is a quote from a very earnest young writer I heard reading once when I was in college. It has become a very bad private joke. It is totally appropriate right now, though, as I have had the most intense and distracting cramps for the past two days that have totally put me down and destroyed all my plans. Tuesday I was going to do all my catering shopping and some of my catering cooking so I could relax and get some other things done. Instead, all I managed to do was go to lunch with Jennie, do a teensy bit of work on the computer and the slip tallies, and spend a lot of time in bed whining. Yesterday I managed to get through my work day with a lot of complaining and ibuprofen, then it was back to bed, sleeping through dance class AGAIN. Sigh. There was no way I was going to be able to do that stuff anyway, I know it, but I still felt awful for missing another class. I finally got myself sort of roused at 7:30 and went shopping. Stumbling around the Market District in a spacy haze with Rob screaming for vengeance in my ears. I ended up making spinach feta puffs till 1am, with some breaks to read excerpts from John Preston novels. I watched a bunch of Judas Priest videos and drank cold coffee with kahlua. The cramps morphed into a general uncomfortable feeling (thanks, alcohol!) and I was able to get right to sleep when I finally hit the pillow.
This morning I feel better so far. Plus, it looks like a potentially beautiful day. Here's hoping I can get a lot accomplished and not be distracted by the inner workings of my reproductive system!


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