Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh my goodness! It's Roxie mania around here again all of a sudden! It started out last week when Jilly and I went to dinner at Buffalo Blues after our meeting with the ladies from the library about catering. We just happened to stumble upon the entire Swedish population of Pittsburgh gathered to watch the England/Sweden cup game. Every time Sweden would get a goal, the table two over from us would erupt into some sort of Swedish folk singing or chanting. They were having a great time.
So, after a nice strong beer, I came home and drunken-emailed Ryan, cuz seeing that many Swedes in one place of course reminded me of him. (it also reminded me of salty licorice fish, which the Market District carried for all of one month. Long enough for me to get addicted to them. Bastards) Anyway, he of course wrote me back a sweet message and I had to read it over and over all day and grin and grin.
Then, today, my next Netflix came, which is the Alice Live in Montreaux 2005 DVD. I tried to watch it all the way through but it was too much for me. I am going to have to take it in small doses. Luckily I have a lot of catering to do this week so I will be able to keep myself occupied while I watch it. Roxie really just is too lovely for words. And I suppose I had forgotten how much he shreds on guitar, even though he is always mixed in the broken channel of my DVD player soundsystem. Sigh.
So now I am listening to Dad's Porno Mag and feeling all swirly. He told me that he expects to have new music out by the end of the year. Just wait to see what a mess I will be when that happens!


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