Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ok, so I am having my first go round with Voyeurs by Two (the Rob Halford/John 5 and Trent thing) It's okay, doesn't really sound anything like any of the assembled parties. Actually, and I really wish I had not read this particular review, I have to agree with whomever said it sounds more like Stabbing Westward than anything else. I was totally into Stabbing Westward back in the day so that is not at all a bad thing. I guess I was hoping this would completely blow me away, but it's not happening so far. The picture of Rob on the front cover is smoking hot though. He had a pretty serious Anton Levey thing going on at this time. Only his big black beard is rounded rather than pointy. I could definitely see dancing around to this in black clothing sometime. Perhaps I will.
Today was a frustrating day at the restaurant because I had to wait around to talk to the payroll specialist. I left her two messages, and whilst I was totally sympathetic that she probably had a lot of catching up to do with all the clients who normally do their payroll on Monday, I also really did not want to spend three hours sitting around waiting for the phone to ring. Ugh. It's cool though. I finally called back and chose to speak to another payroll specialist. She was fine.
Yesterday I had to sit around and wait futiley for a couple hours as well, but that one was all my own fault. I managed to let my phone completely lose it's charge, and this phone seems to be of a mind that once it loses it's charge you can just forget about anything until it is fully recharged, plug in or no plug in. (Full Disclosure: late last night I determined that probably I could have turned it back on when I plugged it in by hitting the power button, but that did not occur to me at the time)
I was supposed to call Rebby to pick me up for the cookout when I was done working, but as her phone number resides solely in my cell phone, I was screwed. Finally I realized that I could call her neighbor and get her to let Rebby know that I was ready. Which is what I did, and she came to get me and the decadent chocolate raspberry birthday cake, and we went to the house and commenced to drinking Lord Chesterfields. I smoked a lot of cigarettes with my beer. I sat in the hot sun. I ate some ribs and some amazing salmon and nice shrimp pasta salad and coleslaw and shrimps and a teensy little bit of chicken. But mostly I got to hang with Juli and Will, which was super fun. Everyone at the party was nice, but I was especially happy to get to hang with those guys. At the end after everyone left we had a really nice time watching Yacht Rock with Jim Mueller. He and Rebby had some filmmakers conversations whilst I nodded off in the big chair. Good times.
Before the frustrating into awesome Memorial day, we went to see X Men 3. I LOVED this movie! Many times I found myself gasping out loud at the plot twists. The second scene with a young Angel made me cry. As did the very last scene. The scene that made me laugh the loudest was when Wolverine looks around at the assembled X MEN and says "We're All X Men" and I whispered "even the women." I understand the sentiment behind the line, but I just thought it was a little silly. Oh well. I really want to rent the first two soon and see if it really was my favorite or not.
Woah! this song sounds sort of like neo psychedelic rock! Weird. I wasn't expecting that. I want to check out some of Rob's other solo and non-Priest work and see what that's about too, I think. Right now I am just totally in love with Defenders of the Faith. Gayest. Album. Ever. ha!


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