Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Oh man, do I feel righteous today! Last night I spent 2.5 hours scrubbing the nasty off of some of the nastiest parts of the QS kitchen. I ventured where no one has dared to go in ages...probably since the place was opened. I took a butter knife to crevices and degreaser and steel wool to caked on walls. Not to mention UNDERNEATH stuff. Ew. Benrod was in the kitchen with me and we tag teamed some of the grossest areas. Other people were cleaning out the milk refrigerator and the bookcase and the catering storage downstairs. It was a great party with the oldies playing and the PBR flowing. I feel really happy and proud that so many folks VOLUNTEERED to do this's nice to know that people care about the place enough to give up their evening to get it in shape. I am hoping to make the cleaning parties bi-monthly.
Today is going to be my first GYM DAY! I am excited, but of course also nervous. I haven't looked at the inside of a gym since college, and I'm not sure I know what to do with all that stuff. I guess that is what the internets are for...I'll be doing some research this afternoon. After breakfast and a catering smackdown meeting.
Please note: the sun is shining. I'm a happy girl.


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