Saturday, December 15, 2007

Live Cookie Blogging

So, it's now 6pm and I'm packing in the cookie making for tonight. Since I last wrote I made the butterballs (with pecans and scotch!) and the lemon basil blueberry cookies (OMG! I am in love) and also some almond macaroons. I feel kinda bad about the macaroons, because they are fantastic despite the fact that I boldly laughed in the face of all received macaroon knowledge. I mixed an unmeasured amount of slivered almonds and an unmeasured amount of demararra sugar together and whizzed it in the food processor until it was pasty. Then I mixed in an unmeasured amount of powdered sugar, and three egg whites. I beat the hell out of it with the electric mixer, then I put little mounds on an ungreased, unparchmented cookie sheet. I threw them in the oven on the top rack for about 15 minutes at 350. And like I said---they are great. I feel like a macaroon idiot savant. I sprinkled them with some red edible glitter. There aren't many, so I will have to be selective with who gets them in their cookie box (provided rebby and I don't sample all of them before that point...)
The gingerbells will have to wait till tomorrow, as will the cocoa rum balls, the snickerdoodles, and the cowboy cookies. And the rosettes. We're going out to dinner and then to the show in larryville. Woo!
So, this internet christmas rock radio station continues to be awesome. It's called Rockin Christmas 181.Fm. check it out. Recently they played the OTHER Elton christmas song---the one no one ever plays. I got so excited I was jumping up and down in the kitchen. I also heard an amazing version of Silent Night by Faster Pussycat. Seek it out. They have also played a seriously mind boggling amount of crap. I think they've gotten through all of Billy Idol's unfortunate christmas album though so I should be out of the weeds. I've been listening for about 6 hours and not a single repeat(of the same version of the same song, at least) Brilliant!


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