Saturday, May 30, 2009

Whoa, it's been some rough weeks for blogging!
Sorry again about that. I honestly spend at least an hour on the computer EVERY DAY and I don't know why I can't bring myself to just type a few sentences about what I'm doing for my legions of fans (Smirk) and posterity. I blame Facebook, I guess.
Anyhoo, it's Saturday morning and I am going in to work the breakfast shift, and then when I emerge this afternoon I will be off until 8am Monday. I am tempted to make a list so as to make the most of my glorious unfettered Sunday, but I think instead I'll just roll with it, baby. Rebby is out of town until Tuesday in York, PA, so I'm on my own. I am hoping that the weather is pleasant enough that I can spend all day gardening and get the rest of the veggies settled. The couple days of rains this week have been so transformative and things are growing like MAD! I think it's finally warm enough consistently (even on the rainy days) that I can put in the summer veggies: cucumbers, beans, eggplant....which means I need to deal with the back 40. Which means I need to get some more dirt to throw on top of it. Can't carry much dirt home on my own,'s always somethin when it comes to gardening.
I'll try to take some pictures tomorrow of my enormous cabbages and all the greens that are blowing up. It's very inspiring.
Aside from the garden, there was the rebbyq Memorial Day weekend for her birthday (which is actually Monday--she has to spend it in a Motel 6 in York, PA. Poor Rebby!)
She grilled pork ribs, jerk chicken, some venison loin, and then Adam showed up with a ton of sausages. Lots of people were out of town so we thought we had way too much food, but it ended up being a nice sized party. I had my camera sitting on the table out back all day but didn't take one single picture(actually, before anyone got here I took a picture of the dandelion wine jug, but that's it) Silly. I had people drinking mojitos and mint juleps to try to put a dent in the mint which is spiraling out of control. We did put a nice dent in it, but of course with all the rain it's back to where it was. I am determined to spend the summer drinking mint tea.
The party was fun and didn't result in a ton of clean up, for which I was thankful. Also, I didn't get too drunk so I didn't feel awful the next day. I did however, smoke more than a few party cigarettes, so there was that. But for the most part it was all good, except for that I am still trying to deal with the leftovers. Help! My fridge is full of pork!
I've been spending a lot of time lately reading through concert riders to figure out what to make for the Mattress Factory Garden Party. The theme this year is Backstage Pass, and since I am really into themes, I'm trying to come up with some things from rock star catering riders that can be a)vegetarian and b) bite sized. So far I think I'm going to make tiny vegan manwhiches a la Marilyn Manson. That just cracks me up. Van Halen apparently liked three bean salad, apart from the famous M&Ms. I am assuming that the Mattress Factory is going to take care of the M&Ms and if they don't I am going to lodge a formal complaint. You can't have a backstage pass party without M&Ms. I'm sorry.
I am sad to report I STILL have not gotten on my bicycle! Between long hours and bad weather there just hasn't been a good time. Also, I have that stupid thing where I feel like I have to be GOING SOMEWHERE on my bike. That's just dumb. I need to just ride it around a little bit to get a feel for it, and then think about going somewhere. Hopefully this afternoon will be bike ride time.
I think that's about it for the scatterbrain report. As you can see, my world is pretty small these days. I like it that way.


Blogger Juli said...

That's about my life these days minus the work/cooking part. Rain, gardening and not riding my bicycle! And spending time on the computer but only managing to look at Flickr and not actually writing email or posts or whatever.

It's (almost) summertime. Must be outside. :)

10:32 AM  

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