Tuesday, April 14, 2009

hi ho!
I'm having a day off! and I'm not illin! huzzah! actually, to be completely honest I'm having a little work meeting/luncheon in an hour, so it's not entirely a day off. and, I had to do a bunch of work related emailing earlier. still, I am not going in to the restaurant nor am I having to think about the various personality profiles interacting in the kitchen. and that is quite a relief, lemmetellya.
so yeah, our STAFFING situation is pretty much resolved, but there are still personality/workstyle issues to work out. it's always a struggle, isn't it?
anyhow, today it is not my problem. today I have thusfar:
did the aforementioned work emailing
did some D@24 PR
baked a cute little whole wheat bread, and put up enough dough for 3 more loaves in the fridge (seriously, this has changed my life. all hail once again mother earth news!)
made dough for four pizzas, one of which is going to be today's tomato-bacon-red onion-goat cheese working lunch
bleached the bejeezes out of the kitchen towels
cleaned the downstairs bathroom
cleaned out the fridge
PUT AWAY THE CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hell yes, my friends. today has been a super productive day. almost makes up for last week's zero productivity.
so yeah, meeting in an hour, then some more cleanin, then perhaps rebby and I will pay a visit to the beerman this evening.
she gave up beer for jesus and it was a looooooooooong forty days and forty nights (with just one slip up when she went to visit her cousin who was home on leave from Iraq) We haven't been to see Scott in about two months! Sad.
OH and also, my friend Pete might be stopping over to regard my bicycle. He is going to be my BICYCLE REPAIR MAN
I can't wait to get my purple beauty out on the road!
Oh, speaking of getting her out on the road.....just learned that Point Brugge cafe is opening a satellite location on Bryant Street in Highland Park....so bike rideable. Life is good.
More tomorrow, hopefully.


Blogger madorange said...

hi. glad you are having such a productive day.

will you please post any links to D@24 press in the newsweeklies? i don't want to miss reading that stuff!



6:06 PM  

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