Tuesday, September 11, 2007

hello, fall like weather!
boy am I glad to see you. though I spent most of the day inside the restaurant, I did poke my head out during the thunderstorm, and now I am sitting next to the office window with a cool breeze blowing in...completely unaided by the window fan. I have really been looking forward to this!
today was a fall weather kind of cooking day too! I made old skool hippie granola, with dates and raisins and sunflower seeds and rice syrup and cinnamon and allspice. It definitely smelled like fall in the kitchen! I also made a really nice thick vegan corn chowder. We are currently transitioning from marking things that are vegan to marking things that are NOT, since most of the menu is vegan most of the time. That change makes me feel really good....I mean, I personally am omniverous, but I really like to champion the vegan cause by making the most delicious and adventurous vegan treats I can. It's nice to say our restaurant is "mostly vegan". I remember when I was a vegetarian the feeling of utter relief I would experience when I happened to stumble upon a vegetarian restaurant...."you mean I can pick ANYTHING off the menu without having to think about what might be hidden there?" That's how I want vegans to feel....at least, so long as they avoid the V with a slash through it. :)
After all the cooking Jilly and I had a little meeting to talk about menu stuff. I am assigned a couple things for the new menu and I am SO GEEKED to do recipe testing! Really, so geeked. It's pretty amazing that I get to do this for my JOB.
Tomorrow I have to get on the ball making dips for sound kitchen and finger foods for the Friendship house tour, and then I have to get further on the ball making a game plan for the enormous wedding we are catering next weekend. Enormous as in 285 people out in the country! Eek. I know it will all go well but it seems like a pretty big milestone in our catering life. Wish us luck!
So, I know I skipped over the weekend here, but suffice it to say the Ludlow show was fun, and then Jilly and I went to Orchids for a fantastic dinner and then to filmmakers for some terrible experimental film, and then Sunday rebby and I took care of some important business...recycling, co-op shopping, laundry, and putting the bed together finally. I can't begin to tell you how much of a difference it makes to have a high up in the sky bed after sleeping on a mattress on the floor for so long. I feel like a grown up!
Now I think I'm going to go try to bake some Salty Oats cookies with chocolate. Oh yes.


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