Thursday, November 06, 2008

je suis heureuse.

Yep, I am feeling a very simple, complete kind of happiness today that I haven't felt in a long, long time. I have found ways to wrench the joy out of little moments and even whole days and weeks at a time over the past 8 years, but I feel like today instead of the low level backdrop of dread, I feel a low level backdrop of potential and ease. Imagine that! It feels foreign, which is I guess why I chose to express it en francais.
Still and all, it's not all roses. California fucked up big time. Well, they fucked up about 50%. Hooray for farm animals, hooray for teens who need abortions, hooray for veterans buying farms and children's hospitals. Too bad for married gay folks, renewable energy, and nonviolent drug offenders. I gotta say I am REALLY happy not to live in California today. The presidential victory would be so tainted.
Luckily I live here in PA, where we did the right thing (of course we didn't have those kinds of decisions to make) My sissy is happy to live in MA where they still get to pay income taxes, and don't have to go to jail for rolling a joint. Also, dog racing banned. Even Ohio knocked it out of the park! Thank you for redeeming yourself, land of my youth!
So yeah, it's a new era. I am mildly concerned about what kind of damage Bush and Cheney will try to wrack up in the next two months. I kinda wish there was some sort of "can we just kick them out NOW!?!" provision. I mean, Barack and co need some time off, surely, but I wish there was a way to just get the bad men out of the big chairs now so they can't do any more harm. I'm trying not to focus on that though.
Instead I'll focus on good stuff! Like, this is going to be the most Thanksgivingest Thanksgiving in a long time. Rebby is going to be here for T-day for the first time in many years. I am so excited to make a big feast for friends. Rebby went turkey hunting last weekend and got her first, which she is going to smoke. Yum. We'll do a more regular roasted turkey too, and all kinds of traditional side dishes. Which reminds me....I need horseradish. The horseradish mashed taters were one of my favorite parts of last year's dinner and I definitely want to replicate. Hopefully I can get a horseradish at the farmer's market on Saturday. And cranberries. I've got sweet potatoes and regular potatoes and onions and garlic stockpiled in storage. I got a couple of pumpkins on Monday for pie. I need, seriously, to get some lard.
Ok, enough food talk. Hope you are all feeling happy today. It feels good, doesn't it?


Blogger madorange said...

I want to go to your house for Thanksgiving!! Sounds delicious.

I would love the butternut squash chili recipe but for the fact that my hubby does not like squash! Such a bummer because I love squash.

And yay for your happiness!

9:11 AM  

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