Friday, March 07, 2008

Why is Jimmy Page always ambivalent toward me in my dreams?
Last night I drempt that I was in some sort of strange, Survivor-esque reality TV situation with a bunch of random people I didn't know, and Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Jimmy was naturally my team captain, and I used all of my skills and bravery and cunning to take our team to victory. (I can't really describe what it was we were doing, but one point it involved shooting hunks of day old bread out of giant caulking guns. It was one of those dreams)
Anyway, at the VERY end, I made it out of the fight area alive, and stumbled over to the bonfire where Jimmy and Robert and some other people were sitting, singing and drinking wine and having a fine time. Robert was thrilled to see me and scooped me up in his arms. I noticed as we were sitting cheek to cheek that he had VERY good skin. Jimmy looked at me rather cooly and asked about another girl. It was heartbreaking.
I'm going to go ahead and hold the Dubbel Trubbel I had at the brewery and with dinner this evening responsible for the strangeness of this dream. Oh, and the hormones too. They probably contributed.


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