Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh my ears and whiskers, it's been a long time!
I didn't have a day off last week so I spent a lot less time in front of the computer than I would on a day like today. Today I've been alternating work emails, laundry, myspace adventures(more in a minute!)prepping for the ethiopian dinner I'm making tonight(more on that too!) and reading blog posts at home grown evolution. I am totally in love with this website--a couple of LA freaks who are living as off the grid as possible, raising chickens, gardening, fermenting, rigging up crazy graywater recycling mcahines, etc. It's very inspiring. Oh, I've also done some dishes today, and when I was doing dishes I was gazing out the back door and just fantasizing about the lovely oasis we're going to construct once the weather is nicer. I was also thinking how nice it would be to have some other likeminded responsible adults to share this big house with us. Being on our own is awesome, but sometimes (like when I am preparing an ethiopian dinner, or thinking about putting in a garden and building backyard ovens, not to mention painting and other household improvements) I think we've got too much space and too fantastic a situation not to share it with others. Of course, the chances of stumbling upon the right people are pretty slim, as I've learned with almost all of my past co-habitating experiments. Still, I guess it's good to be open. For now, we're happy how we are.
Last night we had an amazing dinner of happypig porkchops, pimpy mac&cheese (I used whole wheat rainbow noodles, swiss cheese, pepperoni, garlic, onions, sour cream, whipped cream and half and half. I was basically trying to use up little bits of dairy and it came out fantastic!) and steamed broccoli with lemon and butter (out of the chest freezer) Then we played trivia games until 10:30. First we played the KISS trivia game, then we asked each other questions out of the silver screen edition of Trivial Pursuit (we didn't bother getting out the game board) It was a really nice chill evening. We've been having a lot of those lately, just cooking good dinners and then hanging out, watching a movie or reading. I like it.
So yeah, somehow I got a bug in my bonnet to make an ethiopian dinner. I started the Injera batter on Monday night, and this morning I made some berbere and niter kebbeh. It's amazing, but I almost choked myself to death on the fumes from toasting cayenne pepper. Yow! In an hour or so I'll start getting together the Doro Wat (chicken stew) and Lentil stew and kale with carrots. (I can't remember their names right now) Don't you wish you lived here? Hee.
Other than working on my Ethiopian prep and putting laundry in and emailing catering clients, I spent a good deal of time clicking through the myspace pages of local pittsburgh goth bands, current and past. I got a message about a show on saturday night featuring Venus In Furs and a new band starring Peter from Mace and his hairstylist wife called Una de Luna. Drat! Of course, I have a show Saturday night myself, so I can't go. But, I got to check out their pages and the mace tribute page that Peter put together (I can tell he did it because he has a distinctive, ESL writing style) What lovely gothic memories! I'm really glad he's still kicking around, and the songs on their page sound really good. Can't wait to actually check them out!
So yeah, we've got an Anita Fix show on Saturday. It's with The Bumps and Alexei and Company. After Monday night's rather insane practice, I set Al the task of coming up with a very succint set list that we will follow to the letter. It's a long bill and we can't really be pouring our psychadelic hearts into it like we did at practice. We've gotta save the crazy crowd surfing and banging on metal for a more appropriate occasion, I think.
Before the Anita Fix show is The Sci Fi Idols and Gene Loves Jezebel at Diesel on Friday. I am SO PSYCHED! for this show. I've got to get out my spinniest floatiest scarves and skirts.


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